Brands are trees Description Concept & logo Brands Are Trees helps social enterprises and projects to stand out and grow, with solid and sustainable brands. Brands that with the right care and under healthy circumstances will grow bigger and stronger. Brands that...
Maximize your Business Description Concept & logo Company of positioning and optimization of social networks for women entrepreneurs. Maximize your Business helps these entrepreneurs to improve the performance of their communication campaigns in social networks...
Bare. Description Concept & logo Bare. offers organizations development courses and coaching, orientated at (personal) leadership. For more autonomy within strong organizations. Personalized programs, for professionals and managers to intervene differently....
Palosanto Description Concept & logo Palosanto is a vegetarian restaurant located in Quilmes, Buenos Aires Argentina. I designed the logo that naturally represents the essence and origin of the products and the sustainable philosophy, circular...
Both Ends Description The Future We See What does an economy look like that serves the well-being of people and the planet?A wide range of great ideas about a transition to sustainable and just economic systems already exist, including ways to get there and examples...